Welcome to the commune of Cristian!

Commune of Cristian, for the first time mentioned in documents in 1223 is located in the Western part of the city of Sibiu ( 10 km away) and in the Northern part of Poplaca, the connection with this village is made by an ancient communal border road which is currently used for agriculture and animal breeding. In Transylvania the area called Mãrginimea Sibiului represents (without excluding the so called River Olt county) the most important ethno – folkloric area that preserved its identity for centuries.

This area was inhabited for many years (8000 years) and this was attested by archaeological items, here the experts have discovered the most ancient Neolithic dwelling in Romania. The archeological excavations done during the building of the motorway revealed a settlement with a few dwelling places, a cemetery, proving the existence of a population made of hunters and fishermen. They had finished stone tools, but also ceramic objects, and the mask they discovered being unique for those times. All these ancient objects represent clear evidence that a sedentary population live din these part of Transylvania.

This area, Mãrginimea Sibiului, is an ancient cradle of Romanian ethno genesis that preserved its agro – pastoral characteristic as well as a cradle of Transylvanian Orthodox spirit. Although in 313 AD, following the edict issued by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine, the Christian religion was officially accepted in the area, the barbarians invasions, but also the foreign conquerors domination has postponed the building of churches made of stones/bricks. The Romanians kept their religion alive by building wooden churches, and their religious strengths was often tested along the centuries. Not by accident the ancient episcopal residence was located in Rasinari, the people living in this area of Marginime kept their faith unaltered, as well as their traditions and rites.

Nowadays the administrative territory of the commune of Cristian includes three areas: Cristian I- located in the meadow of the river Cibin and Sibiu depression, Cristian II- along Mãrãjdia valley and Cristian III in the mountain resort Pãltiniº. The administrative territory of the commune has 7116 ha, of which 344,39 ha represent within the commune’s built area.

The sister city of Cristian is the town of Leuven – Belgium and Cristian was adopted by this Belgian town in October 16, 1989 in the frame of the „Romanian Villages Action” and, ever since, the relations between the two localities has continuously developed, the Belgian community has helped a lot regarding the sustainable development of the Romanian commune.

Cristian is a millenary settlement that was first recorded in documents due to the colonization of the Saxons, eight centuries ago. The settlement was built in time, thoroughly, on the Cibin River banks. The Saxons, Romanians and Landlers have been living here in harmony, for centuries, and the county of Sibiu is well known and recognized for its tolerant and multi-cultural spirit.

Discover Cristian and you will find the effort of all generations to work together, self-manage and develop through their own effort, by cultivating the traditional values of the local communities.
During the last few decades, numerous events have occured and inflenced the life of Cristian: Saxons massive exodus to their homeland – Germany- the transition to a modern society connected to the European civilization, as well as profound reforms implemented by the local administration in building the necessary infrastructure to ensure the improvement of the local community living standard.

Traveler, discover the commune of Cristian in the meadows of the River Cibin, as well as on the Mãrãjdia Valley or up in the Cindrel Mountains – the resort of Pãltiniº – built on the administrative area of Cristian commune!

Discover these unique places, blessed by nature and stop here, being convinced that you will spend quality time here!


Sincerely yours,
Ioan Seuchea
Mayor of Cristian